Seneca College
Seneca believes in creating great student experiences that provide enriching learning opportunities — both inside and outside of the classroom. This includes immersing yourself in the workplace as part of a work term or field placement or expanding your skillset by studying abroad. These enriching experiences will give you an edge when you enter the workforce or pursue further studies.
Co-ops & Work Terms
Co-ops and works-terms will give you a chance to put into practise the skills and knowledge you have gained in the classroom. Many of our programs offer an optional work term for qualified students, while our degree programs include a mandatory work term.
Field Placement
Some academic programs include field placements that are typically unpaid but provide an opportunity to gain essential experience in the workplace. During your placement, you will also build a network of professional contacts within the industry and enhance your resumé — both of which will be invaluable resources upon launching your career.
Study Abroad
Studying in another country can be an incredible experience with new environments, fascinating cultures and life-long friends. As a Seneca student, you can earn credits, complete your co-op requirements and receive financial support while you participate in a global opportunity.
Seneca Applied Research is relevant to industry, driven by faculty and focused on students. We are the single point of access for industry and/or community partners who wish to engage in economically, socially and educationally relevant collaborative applied research projects with Seneca faculty and students. We help our partners access Seneca resources, including the expertise of highly qualified personnel (faculty, staff and students), research infrastructure, specialized applied research centres and funding opportunities, many of which are available only through collaboration with Seneca.
Your idea could power the innovation economy and enhance the well-being of communities.
HELIX, Seneca's innovation and entrepreneurship incubator, invites Seneca students, graduates, faculty and staff, along with members of the community, to explore and develop their entrepreneurial mindset.
HELIX provides the tools needed to design and launch a scalable startup or to innovate from within an existing organization as an intrapreneur.
Innovative employees or intrapreneurs, can positively impact all sectors of the economy. Intrapreneurs are agile and quickly adapt to new situations. HELIX supports individuals in building their intrapreneurial assets so that they may in turn develop innovative solutions to existing problems within their sector.
Building on this established innovation design framework, HELIX provides additional resources to assist those dedicated to developing, launching and scaling their own ventures. Supports for entrepreneurs include coaching/mentorship, co-working space, networking introductions and events, guest speaker presentations, funding application assistance, enhanced experiential learning opportunities and ecosystem engagement.
Learn about HELIX Programs and Initiatives
A Place of Activity and Growth
People from all nations – Indigenous and non-Indigenous – are welcome to our events and to use our services. We offer our services to students in culturally appropriate ways to create genuine understandings and to learn more about Indigenous Peoples.
What We Offer
At First Peoples@Seneca, we offer advisement, study spaces, tutoring, cultural and social events, resources, clubs and more.
Seneca offers various scholarships, bursaries and other awards to help our students. Entrance awards are one form of financial award available to incoming students who meet the qualifications and requirements.
Here is the List of Entrance Awards.
To be eligible for an entrance award, you must:
- have been offered admission to Seneca or are waiting to hear from us
- meet the academic requirement
- be eligible for financial aid
You are not guaranteed an award even if you apply if you have not received an offer of admission to Seneca.
Entrance awards in the fall
More awards will become available and open for submission in the fall after classes begin. To apply to those awards, you must return to the application and apply.
The last day to apply for these awards will be October 31.
In-course awards
You can apply for in-course awards even if you have already applied for entrance awards.
For a list of scholarships and awards open to current students and details on financial aid, visit the Available Scholarships page.
If you are starting a program of study in the Summer 2022 term, please select the 2021 academic year when you apply. Check below for details.
How to apply
Before you apply, ensure you have activated your Seneca online account. To activate your Seneca online account,
- look for an email with a temporary password and details on how to activate your account.
- If you applied to or attended Seneca in the past, you can continue to use your existing My.Seneca account.
For assistance with account setup, contact IT Service Desk at 416.764.0411.
To apply for an entrance award:
- Log into Student Home using your Seneca account.
- Once logged in to your online Student Home, select the “Financial Aid” tile, then select the “Apply for Financial Aid” link.
- Select the magnifying glass to choose your academic year:
- 2022 — for students applying for the Fall 2022, Winter 2023 and Summer 2023
- 2023 — for students applying for Fall 2023 (not yet available)
- Fill out all required fields in the “Information” and “Additional Details” sections.
- In the “Financial Need” section, select terms of study (FALL and/or WINTER and/or SUMMER) and complete the budget.
- Ensure you have the correct budget information and then click “Submit” (once you click “Submit” you cannot make changes).
- Select the awards you would like to apply to from the list of eligible awards.
- Answer the questions that appear for the specific awards you have selected.
- Ensure to keep your answer within the 500-character limit.
- If a question is not applicable to you, please type in N/A or deselect the award.
- Click “Submit” when you have answered all the questions (once you click “Submit” you cannot make any changes).
- Follow instructions to submit any additional documents as required.
How to check your awards application status
You can track the status of your application on Student Home. To check your status:
- Selecting the “Financial Aid” tile
- Select “View My Student Awards”
- View the status of your application
If you are a successful recipient of an entrance scholarship, it will be applied to your student account after the 10th day of classes.
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