Vancouver Animation School (VANAS)
Vancouver Animation School (VANAS) is a leading educational institution devoted to educating aspiring artists in the diverse disciplines that form the Animation, Visual Effects, and Video Game industries. We empower the artists to empower their art. We teach innovative skills that lead to creative careers and result in personal and professional fulfillment. We developed a fantastic school with strong educational programs that welcome you, work for you, and care for you.
Vancouver Animation School is a fully accredited online school offering entry and advanced programs for the Animation, Visual Effects, and Video Game industries. VANAS offers vocational Certificates, Diplomas and university pathways in a variety of art and technology, media, and design fields.
VANAS Scholarships
VANAS offers both merit and need-based scholarships to offset tuition fees for candidates whose profiles will help further the programme's objectives as a vehicle for promoting art and technology education. Scholarships for Animation, VFX, Concept Art & Game Design programs.
How can I apply for a scholarship?
Anyone who has a portfolio can apply for a VANAS Scholarship. If you have any sketches, animation designs, drawings or other art work pieces, please select 5 that represent it best and apply for a scholarship. The application for VANAS scholarships is after you have been accepted into your program, and not before. Meaning, you won't be awarded a scholarship until you are successfully accepted in the Diploma program of your interest.
How many scholarships are available?
Here are some stats of previous years:
VANAS Scholarships are offered year round in any of our terms: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer.
- 11 scholarships per term
- A total of 42 scholarships are given per calendar year
What are the scholarship values?
Scholarships values will be determined by our faculty and will be awarded within a 5% to 20% range of the total tuition cost. Here are some examples:
Example a) 5% discount of the total program tuition
Example b) 20% discount of the total program tuition
- (Example a: Concept Art Diploma tuition minus 5% scholarship. $18,500 - $925 = $17,575)
- (Example b: Concept Art Diploma tuition minus 20% scholarship. $18,500 - $3,700 = $14,800)