Statistics and Regression Analysis

The Statistics and Regression Analysis course will provide participants with an understanding of key statistical and econometric methods used to analyse social data and how to implement them using the statistical software package R. The CPD overviews key statistical concepts necessary to analyse social data, introduces participants to regression analysis and demonstrates the use of these methods with practical applications. On completing the CPD, participants will be able to:

  • Explain and apply statistical terminology to the analysis of social data.
  • Formulate questions in the language and abstractions of statistics.
  • Solve simple problems related to the topics in the CPD.
  • Conduct their own basic statistical analysis using R.


What Topics will you Cover?

The first part of Statistics and Regression Analysis reviews key statistical concepts necessary to analyse social data, such as graphical and numerical data description; probability theory; discrete and continuous random variables; sampling; confidence intervals; hypothesis testing.


The second part of the CPD introduces participants to basic multiple regression analysis, modelling of non-linear relationships, and dummy variables.


The CPD has an applied focus, demonstrating the use of these methods with practical applications using real world datasets and using the statistical software package R.