Portal at Trinity - Masterclass in Introduction to Design Thinking

Organisations, institutions, and society face challenges that are complex and multi-faceted. These challenges are often referred to as wicked problems and, as such, require multidimensional solutions. Design Thinking has its roots in industrial design and engineering and borrows from psychology, computer science and ethnography. It provides an excellent framework to explore user-centred solutions to challenges in an iterative manner. Rather than being problem-focused, Design Thinking is solution-focused and action-oriented. It involves both analysis and imagination and works most effectively in multidisciplinary or cross-functional teams.


This Masterclass introduces Design Thinking methodology. You will discover how to apply the principles of Design Thinking to address real world challenges in your own business or organisation. You will learn how to apply a user-centred, iterative approach when tackling complex problems and developing products and services. You will examine the use of empathy mapping as a process for understanding a customer’s journey to your product or service.


The masterclass is offered in two formats:

  • Taster Session
  • Masterclass


The Taster Session and Masterclass are both designed and delivered independently.


The Taster Session will introduce you to the core concepts of Design Thinking and will give you a practical understanding of essential Design Thinking skills and mindsets. It provides a unique opportunity to sample the topic, interact and engage with the material and meet those involved in developing and delivering the Masterclass.


The Masterclass provides a more comprehensive in-depth understanding of Design Thinking and how it could be applied as a problem-solving process.


Completion of the Taster Session is not a pre-requisite for Masterclass participation.