Portal at Trinity - Masterclass in a Shared Ownership for Wellbeing

It is widely accepted that workplace wellbeing is fundamental to establishing a happy, effective, and productive workforce, but who is responsible for owning workplace wellbeing? Achieving a balance of ownership and shared responsibility for wellbeing between an organisation’s leadership team and the workforce that it serves is essential.


Wellbeing should be a shared and celebrated value across any organisation. A diverse group of wellbeing advocates or ‘champions’ can serve as highly motivated custodians for an organisation's wellbeing strategy and the future wellness of its workforce.


This masterclass will introduce the concept of shared ownership for wellbeing and how collective responsibility for employee wellbeing supports implementation. You will explore the importance of building a wellbeing network and how to develop an inclusive, collaborative and empowered team of wellbeing champions. You will also examine the role of leadership in cultivating wellbeing and how ethical leadership practices can promote wellbeing engagement and build a robust culture of wellbeing at work.


The Masterclass is offered in two formats:

  • Taster session
  • Masterclass


The Taster Session and the Masterclass are designed and delivered independently.


The Taster session introduces you to the concept of wellbeing champions and how a shared ownership for wellbeing can support wellbeing engagement and promotion. It provides a unique opportunity to sample the material, ask questions and meet those involved in developing and delivering the Masterclass.


The Masterclass offers a more comprehensive understanding of the above. You will learn the critical success factors in defining the role and upskilling the competencies of a wellbeing champion network that effectively builds a collective culture of wellbeing in your teams and organisation.


Completion of the Taster Session is not a pre-requisite for Masterclass participation.