Master of Legal Studies MLS

The purpose of an MLS is to confer legal expertise on students or professionals who do not intend to practice law. An MLS can also be used by PhD students whose disciplines have a legal concentration or to certify professionals who work closely with laws and regulation. The extent, concentration and framework of an MLS degree are dictated by the institution awarding the degree. Prospective students will find MLS degrees offered in a variety of specialisations, including:

  • Corporate and Commercial Law
  • Environmental Law
  • Human Rights Law
  • International Law
  • Litigation and Dispute Resolution
  • or Public Law.


While MLS degrees do not give graduates the qualifications to practice law, they provide a comprehensive foundation in and understanding of law and regulations. If you are a professional who works closely with laws and regulation or a PhD student who wants a deeper understanding of the laws related to your research, completing an MLS is an excellent way to gain expertise.


We offer flexible study options for both full-time and part-time students, allowing you to balance your studies with work or to accelerate your learning by studying full-time. Entry to the MLS program is available throughout the year, providing the flexibility needed to advance your career.


The MLS permits cross-disciplinary study, allowing you to take one or two masters courses (up to 30 points) from another faculty at the University of Auckland. It also provides skills in legal research methodology for those without advanced skills in this area. With over 30 taught courses to choose from, you can specialise in particular areas or study a broad range of legal subjects.