Physiotherapy (Pre-Registration)

Our MSc in Physiotherapy (Pre-Registration) is a qualifying course for graduates with a relevant first degree. It provides the opportunity to undertake a physiotherapy course leading to registration at master’s level.
We use an interprofessional approach to learning, with some modules shared with other health and social care students. 
You will need to have the academic ability to work as an autonomous practitioner. And be able to reason through individualised healthcare needs. You will also need:

  • to show personal qualities and values which underpin the overall care you give
  • strong communication and team-working skills
  • a compassionate and caring nature. 

Our lecturers are experienced in their specialist practice areas. They maintain excellent practice links with those areas locally or across the region. They are able to provide a global perspective on Physiotherapy.

We welcome applications from home, EU and international students.