History of Art

The moving sun creates shadows that dance over a building by Sir Christopher Wren. You’ll watch the spectacle. Pause and really take it in. Then back in the classroom we’ll talk about the historical and theoretical context that makes the moment even more significant.


At Oxford Brookes, we give you the chance to get out in front of actual art and buildings. Hunt through the riches of the Ashmolean Museum, handling some of the rare objects contained there. You could explore the fascinating tombs of Warwick’s Beauchamp Chapel. You’ll even get to take in a continental European city, perhaps wandering through the Louvre in Paris before heading back to a historic townhouse to discuss what you’ve seen with friends.


We focus on art and architecture from the Renaissance to the 20th century. In addition – in your own projects you can explore any area that interests you. Our team has world class research expertise. Whatever you’re interested in, you’ll find an expert who can support and encourage your specialism.