Fine Art

Art can divide opinion, tt can inspire generations and it can take many forms. Whatever your style, develop it and expand your creative abilities here at Oxford Brookes. Plus, you can see for yourself what working in the arts is really like.


Our hands-on approach gives you a broad introduction to multiple media practices. We’ll show you how to unpick the theory behind them, and we’ll give you the freedom to explore your own creativity while we support you through your practice.


Whatever your career aspirations, we’ll help you build your professional skills and the confidence to start on your chosen career. Making the most of our relationships with contemporary galleries and arts organisations, you can start building connections within the world of arts.


You’ll be taught by practising artists, curators, researchers and technical specialists. In our dedicated facilities based a short walk from the city centre, you’ll use your own individual studio space to produce distinctive, challenging and imaginative artworks.