Modern Languages with Translation
Our Modern Languages with Translation degree is designed for all language learners. You can choose from two routes: beginners, or intermediate.
You can join with no previous language study, choosing from French, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin or Spanish. We'll support you to go from beginner to fluent during your course.
If you already have language skills and want to advance your proficiency we'll support you to achieve an advanced level (C1) in your chosen language (French, Spanish and EFL) and you can add a second language too (Chinese, French, Japanese, Korean, and Spanish).
Alongside your modern language studies, you’ll gain skills for working and living globally. You'll explore global identities, customs and even humour. You'll also gain translation skills valued by businesses worldwide. You can study modules from Business, International Relations, Politics and Education, including Marketing Management and Violence, Militarism and Terrorism.
You can choose to study or work abroad for a year, or you can finish your degree in 3 years and leave travel and work until after you graduate.