
In a world that is hungry for new content to watch, film is an exciting subject to study. With demand currently making it one of the largest sectors in the UK, the film industry is attracting major investment and actively recruiting.

You may want to be a film director, producer or screenwriter. Or you may want to specialise in new media or independent films. Whichever direction you take, our course will give you the direct experience and professional knowledge you need. A third year optional workplacement/ internship can help you progress your skills.

You’ll cover core skills in film production, film criticism and film history. But most importantly, you’ll learn how to apply these techniques to your own work.

A popular part of the final year is a work placement or a live project. And our strong links with the industry mean a film degree from Oxford Brookes is an ideal stepping stone for your future career.

Graduates have gone on to work on productions including Skyfall, Slumdog Millionaire, Doctor Who, Saturday Kitchen and Downton Abbey. Where could it take you?