Applied Coaching Science
The Applied Coaching Science (MSc) degree at Oxford Brookes is a coach development programme driven by and provided for the development of your coaching practice. The course has been designed in consultation with leading organisations in the sector and aims to develop professionals equipped with the knowledge and skills to deliver at the cutting edge of coaching science.
To support the need for high level professional development we have provided a flexible approach to your studies, designed to fit around your current coaching commitments:
- Part-time only, to allow sufficient time and space to successfully complete studies alongside professional roles.
- Blended delivery, which merges online content with face-to-face blocks (2.5 days), this flexibility is to ensure we fit around your professional role(s).
- Professional experience entry requirement (a degree is not compulsory).
- Diverse assessment modes, allowing submission through a range of mediums.
- A staff team of active researchers and high-level practitioners.