Graduate Certificate in Ultrasound Studies
The Graduate Certificate in Ultrasound studies (GradCertUSStud) is designed to provide an introduction to sonography theory and practice. The graduates of the GradCertMedUSStud will have knowledge and skills to seek employment opportunities as a trainee medical sonographer in public hospitals or private radiology practices in any state of Australia. The GradCertUSStud is not accredited by the Australian Sonographer Accreditation Registry (ASAR). It is an entry point for the Graduate Diploma in Medical Ultrasound which, with concurrent clinical practice, will meet entry requirements for the profession of Medical Sonography.
Applicants for the Graduate Certificate in Ultrasound Studies must meet one of the following criteria:
A) a completed bachelor degree in medical radiation science; or
B) a completed bachelor degree in any field and successful completion of at least two units of degree level anatomy and physiology