Podiatric Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Course description

The Podiatric Pharmacology and Therapeutics (PPT-NAE) is a non-award program aimed at podiatrists registered with the Podiatry Board of Australia.

The program provides an opportunity for students to develop their knowledge and skills in podiatric pharmacology and therapeutics. The Podiatry Board of Australia has approved the non-award program as providing a qualification in podiatric therapeutics for the purpose of endorsement for scheduled medicines under Pathway B of the Board's Registration standard for endorsement for scheduled medicines.

The program has been designed so that theoretical and practical curriculum are thoughtfully sequenced and scaffolded. The course incorporates principles of medication use for patients across the life span. Key pharmacological characteristics of drug classes and individual drugs are explored to optimise outcomes and minimise adverse events. Students will acquire knowledge related to the Quality Use of Medications and the Podiatry Board of Australia Registration standard: Endorsement for scheduled medicines guidelines, including The National podiatry scheduled medicines list.

Students will be expected to apply this knowledge to critically analyse, justify and provide rationales for the prescribing and initiation of medications in the planning of care within their scope of practice as a registered podiatrist.

This fully-online course is delivered over twelve weeks with weekly drop-in sessions available via Zoom to provide support and ongoing feedback. The program provides an opportunity for professionals to continue their learning and professional development while juggling work, family and other commitments.

Please note that successful completion of this course does not mean that students can automatically prescribe or administer medications. To meet the requirements of Pathway B (Supervised practice pathway for registered practitioners) you must also provide evidence that you have successfully completed online case studies, supervised practice, and a portfolio of evidence as outlined in the Podiatry Board of Australia Registration standard: Endorsement for scheduled medicines guidelines.

Please note that successful completion of this course does not mean that students can automatically prescribe or administer medications. Only podiatrists endorsed by the Podiatry Board of Australia can prescribe and/or supply scheduled medicines.

Fee discount

A 10% discount applies to the following groups of podiatrists. If you wish to obtain the discount code or discuss your eligibility, please contact Matthew Cotchett

  1. Grade 2 podiatrists who are employed by a public health organisation that have a contractual arrangement to supervise La Trobe University podiatry students. The organisation must have supervised an average of at least one student/annum over the past two years.
  2. Podiatrists that are employed within the La Trobe University Health Sciences Clinic as a Clinical Supervisor of undergraduate podiatry students for the equivalent of 2 years (i.e. 4 semesters).

Course content

Learning outcomes:

  1. Apply advanced practice podiatry knowledge and skills to conduct a comprehensive and systematic assessment to inform and implement a management plan for a patient
  2. Interpret and critique the legal, registration and guideline requirements for endorsed podiatrist prescribing
  3. Explain the role of the health professional within the Quality Use Medications (QUM) guidelines
  4. Describe the pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, uses and contraindications of medicines available to endorsed podiatrists
  5. Create and evaluate prescriptions of restricted medicines for a given patient with a foot pathology in the presence of local and/or systemic disease for specific populations (including pregnancy, paediatrics, sports medicine and gerontology)
  6. Request, analyse and interpret diagnostic tests, associated with medical conditions, for the use of informing prescribing decisions
  7. Behave in a manner reflective of a health professional.

Additional requirements

  1. Broadband internet access and an active email address that can be accessed during the workshop.
  2. A webcam, mic and headset/speaker is required.  All workshops are conducted in small groups and are interactive.