Art Therapy Taster

Have you ever wondered what art therapy is and how it works? This one-day workshop provides a 'taster' experience of art therapy processes. Focusing on your own art practice, you will experience the potential of art-making as a tool for personal growth, connectedness and self-awareness. You will also have the opportunity to ask questions about art therapy processes and how art therapy may apply in various health settings.

The course will incorporate both theoretical and experiential learning. This will include a slide show presentation, a case study presentation based on art therapy at a community cancer support program, individual art-making experiences, and group discussion. The day will offer an overview of the key principles of art therapy, including the power of non-verbal expression, connecting to a creative self, and how different art materials can elicit a range of responses in participants. All art materials will be provided, and the course will be held in the purpose-built Art Therapy Studio at the Bundoora campus. Morning and afternoon tea will also be provided.

Extend your knowledge with the two-day Introduction to Art Therapy workshop which offers a more in-depth experience of art therapy theory and processes (no pre-requisites required). Both the one and two-day courses suit people from varied backgrounds and professional practice, including prospective Master of Art Therapy students.