Medicinal Chemistry: Chemical Sciences
What is Medicinal Chemistry?
Medicinal chemists are the creative talent behind the modern pharmaceutical industry. As well as being expert chemists, they have extensive knowledge of molecular design, drug synthesis, and the biological function of drugs.
Do you enjoy...
- Finding out how things work?
- Carrying out laboratory experiments?
- Analysing problems and finding solutions?
Medicinal Chemistry: The course for you?
Yes, if your dream is to design and prepare new drugs, if you want to understand the biological mechanisms by which they operate, if you have a natural flair for chemistry and are interested in developing the skills and expert knowledge relevant to the pharmaceutical industry.
Graduate skills and career opportunities
As with graduates in other branches of chemistry, the skills acquired during this degree programme will make you highly attractive to employers in a wide variety of areas. In addition to the pharmaceutical industry itself, business, finance, administration, publishing, and teaching are all possibilities that are open to you as a medicinal chemistry graduate. Most students progress to postgraduate studies in the School or other top tier institutions abroad.