Social Policy (JH)

What is Social Policy?

Social Policy entails the study of those social relations shaping human welfare and wellbeing. It also includes the analysis of the means by which governments achieve citizen’s wellbeing through the formation of policies, provision of services and responding to social issues and problems. Undergraduate study of Social Policy fits with a commitment to advance the cause of a just, pluralistic, and sustainable society. The course encourages engagement with wider society and civic engagement through modules on issues such as refugee policy, housing and ageing and the life course, youth, reproductive rights, social inequality and disability. A global outlook is a reoccurring and integral part of the course. Our curriculum aims to give you a thorough training in the systematic analysis of contemporary social issues and the role of social policy in comparative country contexts. At the end of your four years you should have developed both a general understanding of the field of social policy and specific expertise in select contemporary policy issues, the process of policymaking and the skills of research, analysis and argumentation applicable to the policy arena.


Do you enjoy...

  • Contemplating how we can make our societies a better place to live?
  • Using evidence to make decisions which affect people? 
  • Learning about how to develop long-term policy solutions to current social issues and problems?


Social Policy: The course for you?

Curious about social and economic policy issues around the world? Searching for a course that demands both academic and vocational qualities? Interested in understanding society, its social problems and have a desire to make a difference? Then Social Policy may be the subject choice for you. It is particularly relevant to students intending to pursue a career in research, social policy analysis and evaluation, management and planning within the social services, as well as to those with a general interest in society and social policy.


Social Policy at Trinity

Trinity’s School of Social Work and Social Policy strives for an ethos that values multidisciplinary scholarship; research-led teaching; a diverse student base; a student-centred approach to education and pastoral care; public service; partnership with colleagues in other parts of the university, and with colleagues in other institutions; international experience, connections and integration between teaching, research and policy influence. Social Policy in Trinity ranks in the top 100 universities worldwide (QS World Rankings by Subject 2022), giving Social Policy at Trinity the highest ranking of the course amongst its alternatives in Ireland.