Educational Psychology

Educational Psychology is the study of the mental processes that allow people to learn—to acquire new knowledge and develop new skills. As you pursue a graduate degree in Educational Psychology, you will develop a deep understanding of the ways that people learn—the processes that allow us to acquire new information, and to develop new skills. This knowledge will help you to become a more effective educator.


Program concentrations

As you earn your Master’s degree in Educational Psychology, you will pursue one area of concentration:

  • Education of the Blind or Visually Impaired:  Check back regularly for information about when we will begin to accept applications.
  • Education of the Deaf or Hard of Hearing: Check back regularly for information about when we will begin to accept applications.
  • Evaluation: Our MEd programs are under review. We are not currently accepting applications to this program concentration.
  • Human Relations: Our MEd programs are under review. We are not currently accepting applications to this program concentration.