Valuing Differences In The Patient Population

As members of the healthcare community, you are conscious of the need for a seamless experience for your patients and their family members. You are an essential part of their care and represent a key element in the delivery of service.

Appropriate training is necessary at every level if the healthcare community is going to address the needs of the patient, especially patients that come from marginalized communities. Studies show that “wherever diversity is encouraged and cultivated, hospitals perform significantly better.”

This workshop is designed to provide you with a broad and deep understanding of diversity and inclusion. It is tailored to meet the needs of healthcare workers by sharpening your skills, increasing your level of sensitivity, and developing cultural awareness as it relates to service delivery for the patient and their family.


Programs Associated with this Course

  • Workshop in Valuing Differences in the Patient Population

Who Should Attend

This course is designed for Registered Nurses, Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses, Nursing Assistants, Training and Development Managers, Training and Development Specialists, Human Resource Managers, Human Resource Specialists, Frontline Managers, Clinicians, Technicians, and any professional healthcare worker responsible for the delivery of care or service.


In the healthcare community, caregivers (and healthcare workers in general) need to develop cultural competency and demonstrate cultural sensitivity to address the needs of a racially and ethnically diverse patient population. This workshop is designed to address this issue and provide participants with a broad and deep understanding of Diversity and Inclusion. The workshop includes an exploration of real-life encounters that involve cultural competence and will enhance and increase the awareness of healthcare workers.



  • Exploring dimensions of diversity
  • Enhancing cultural competence
  • Identifying and resolving issues that arise from cultural differences
  • Demonstrating sensitivity and cultural awareness



Are grades given in this workshop series?
Students will receive assessment on a pass-fail basis.

How is student progress assessed?
The instructor will evaluate students' performance on classroom discussions and presentations.

Are there required materials?
There is no textbook required for the workshops. The instructor will provide handouts of relevant materials.