Tsunesaburo Makiguchi's Educational Philosophy And Practice (1)

This course introduces candidates to the biography, early educational ideas, and practices of Tsunesaburo Makiguchi (1871-1944), the progenitor of value-creating pedagogy. The course covers the history and context informing Makiguchi's early pedagogy and examines three of the five periods in the Makiguchi corpus: 1) early essays on national language instruction, Herbartian approaches, geography, efficiency of learning, play, and multiple grade classrooms; 2) major writings on human geography and community-based learning and instruction; and 3) efforts educating girls and foreign students. The course will address key ideas in the Makiguchi pedagogy such as humanitarian competition, direct observation, living standards, and the three-tiered level of identity.

Programs Associated with this Course

  • Certificate in Microcredential & Macrocredential in Value-Creating Education for Global Citizenship