Telehealth Training For Mental Health Practitioners

Do you recommend or prescribe mental health apps? Are you incorporating mental health apps into your practice? Technology supported counseling and therapy is rapidly growing. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the growth of Telemental Health including mobile mental health apps. As a physician, you need to know how to navigate the complexity of mental health apps effectively and ethically. The potential benefits and risks will be highlighted in this workshop.

Equipped with the tools and techniques learned in this course, you will increase your competence and confidence in working with mental health apps with your clients. By the end of this workshop, you will be armed with the resources to answer the ever-evolving questions and issues that arise from the continuing growth of mobile mental health apps.

Programs Associated with this Course

  • Workshop in Telehealth Training for Mental-Health Practitioners

Who Should Attend

This workshop is appropriate for:

  • Psychologists and psychiatrists
  • Social workers
  • Other mental-health clinicians



By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the latest technological advances, ethics, best practices, and evidence-based resources
  • Deepen their knowledge of the mobile mental-health app marketplace
  • Identify the various types of mental health apps
  • Spot ethical dilemmas and issues in the use of mental health apps
  • Apply a model to incorporate mental health apps into their practices
  • Enhance competence and confidence in this emerging technology




  • Mental-health apps in the use of mobile health
  • Common features and benefits of mental-health apps
  • Hierarchy of evidence related to mental-health apps
  • Application of bioethics to mental-health apps
  • Review and evaluation of mental-health apps