Gap Program For Career Changers

Do you feel stuck in your career, lacking purpose and meaning? Are you yearning for community, support, and direction? Are you thirsty for change, but not sure how to make that happen?  

Now is your time! In this ten week program, you will explore your deepest values, investigate your purpose, and design a life and career for yourself that lights you up. You will adjust your mindset so that you can begin to take thoughtful risks and enjoy exploring new options for your career. Together, in community, you will find support and step into new possibilities. 

Want to change careers? We will help you network, craft a new resume, and set yourself up for success. Hoping to build a new business? Perhaps a one-page business plan is in order? We will help you get that done! 

By the end of the program, you will have clear ideas about new career options and have taken steps to help you bridge the gap into your next evolution. You will have accountability peers and possibly even a mastermind group who, we hope, will continue to cheer you on and support you, even after the course ends. Finally, you will have a newfound confidence and an attitude that will help you live and work with greater purpose & joy! The time is now, so join us!


Programs Associated with this Course

  • Workshop in Gap Program for Career Changers

Who Should Attend

Participants should have at least two years of work experience and yearn to live and work with greater purpose & joy.


Participants will:

  • Discover what fuels & sparks you, so you can create a new story for your life & career
  • “Design a life and career” using your strengths and interests that serves a need in the world and can support you financially
  • Unlock mindset tools to help conquer fear and limiting beliefs so you take risks and action with greater joy and purpose
  • Connect with people in various fields through research and networking in order to discover new ways of living & working
  • “Try on” or “prototype” new career/vocational options in a supported, helpful environment
  • Create a mini-business plan or resume that aligns with your next possible career
  • Join a community of similar seekers who support, encourage and help you through this time of transition




Weeks 1-3 (Self Discovery)

Week 1: Transitions & A Call For Change (in person, 3 hours)

Week 2: Mindset & Strength Finder Work (synchronous (sync) session)

Week 3: Crafting a life & finding your Purpose (Sparktype, in person, 2 hours)


Weeks 4-5 (Explore & Design Your Career)

Week 4:  Design your life & Career, while building community & connection (In Person, 2-3 hours) 

Week 5:  One on One Coaching (virtual)


Weeks (6-10): Goal Setting & Planning

Week 6: Goal Setting & Action Plans  (online sync) 

Week 7:  Networking & Idea Party Brainstorm, Resume Crafting and/or Business Plan Work (online sync)

Week 8:   One on One Coaching (virtual)

Week 9:  Idea Party & Networking Event (in person 2 hours)

Week 10:  Becoming Your Best Ally, Finding Champions Through Change & Celebrating Ourselves.  (online sync)



Are there recommended textbooks?

Yes. We are suggesting participants purchase the following:

  • Clifton, Don. StrengthsFinder 2.0, 2007. ISBN-13 978-1595620156
  • Fields, Jonathan. Sparked: Discover your unique imprint for work that makes you come alive, 2021. ISBN-13 978-1400225460.