Creating Engaging Presentations

This four-hour workshop will introduce you to design concepts for you to create engaging presentations using visual tools such as Microsoft PowerPoint, Apple Keynote, Google Slides, or other visual creation software. You will have the opportunity to interact with these concepts to create dynamic presentations that you can use personally and professionally.  

With increased knowledge and practical applications from this workshop, you will be able to build your own engaging presentations.


Programs Associated with this Course

  • Workshop in Creating Engaging Presentations

Who Should Attend

This workshop is open to students and professionals who want to learn how to enhance presentations to improve delivery and retention of information through visual media.


Learn how to:

  • Identify how people interact with visual stimuli
  • Demonstrate how to use design principles to construct a visual presentation
  • Layer in a narrative that brings to life a visual presentation



Are grades given in this workshop?

How is student progress assessed?
The instructor will provide feedback on students' performance on classroom discussions and presentations.

Are there required materials?
There is no textbook required for the workshops. The instructor will provide handouts of relevant materials.