BS in CS Online Degree Completion for Transfer Students

BS in CS Online Degree Completion for Transfer Students

Transfer students are able to complete the BS in Computer Science degree online.

In order to participate in the program, a transfer student must be admitted to DePaul and meet the following requirements:

  • have a minimum of 45 quarter/30 semester hours of transfer credit
  • completed one semester of Java or C++
  • have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0
  • be in good standing at the last school they attended

The sample schedule below outlines one way of fulfilling the degree requirements. Please note that not all liberal studies courses are available online. This includes English Composition I (WRD 103), the lab science requirement, and Public Speaking (INTC 220). Students who need these courses will need to take them on campus at DePaul or transfer them in.

CDM Academic Success Center advisors will help you design a degree completion plan that works for you. Time to completion will vary based on amount of coursework transferred to DePaul. If you have general questions about the online degree completion program, please contact .



Bachelor of Science in Computer Science – online format

Sample three-year degree plan for students with 33 semester (49 quarter) hours of transfer credit

This sample degree plan is based upon the student completing a set of courses similar to the following as Year 1:

  • English Composition 1 & 11
  • Public Speaking
  • Pre-Calculus
  • Intro to Sociology
  • 1 to 2 History courses
  • Intro to Psychology
  • Java or C++
  • Science Lab course
  • Arts & Literature course

FallDePaul year 2

  • CSC 243 Python for Programmers
  • MAT 140 Discrete Mathematics I
  • LSP Learning Domain
  • LSP Learning Domain

WinterDepaul year 2

  • CSC 300 Data Structures in Java I
  • MAT 141 Discrete Mathematics II
  • WRD 204 Technical Writing LSP 200
  • LSP 200 Seminar on Multiculturalism in the United States

SpringDepaul year 2

  • CSC 301 Data Structures in Java II
  • CSC 299 Sophmore Lab in Applied Computing
  • LSP Learning Domain
  • LSP Learning Domain

FallDePaul year 3

  • CSC 373 Computer Systems I
  • IT 223 Data Analysis
  • Major Elective
  • Open Elective

WinterDePaul year 3

  • CSC 374 Computer Systems II
  • CSC 355 Database Systems
  • Major Elective
  • Major Elective

SpringDePaul year 3

  • CSC 321 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  • CSC 376 Distrubuted Systems
  • Major Elective
  • Open Elective

FallDePaul year 4

  • CSC 347 Concepts of Programming
  • SE 350 Object-Oriented Software Development
  • SE 333 Software Testing
  • Major Elective

WinterDePaul year 4

  • Experiential Learning
  • CSC 348 Introduction to Compiler Design
  • Major Elective
  • Open Elective

SpringDePaul year 4

  • CSC 394 Software Projects (Capstone)
  • Major Elective
  • Major Elective
  • Open Elective