Professional Business Writing Certificate Program

Professional Business Writing is centered on the idea that every piece of effective business writing, whether it's an email, memo, formal letter, marketing piece or web page, should cause the reader to take action. This Professional Business Writing course is designed to help you think about communication in a new and more effective way, and to learn how to make your writing an expression of that new way of thinking.

Although this course addresses the use of proper grammar and vocabulary, it is designed to teach you a more effective way of thinking about and using business writing and is not a course in basic writing skills.
Professional Business Writing also counts as an elective towards completing the Integrated Marketing Communications Certificate Program.


“I loved being part of Art Fox’s Professional Business Writing class this summer. I even presented to my 40-person marketing team with many of the helpful tips I learned from him. It was a great experience, and I’m hoping to take another course soon!”
-Barry Bottino

“Art Fox was very engaged with the class allowing us to bring writing samples for candid professional and peer feedback. This was the most valuable piece as we could see the variety of writing styles and how we improved throughout the class. I found this class to be immediately beneficial as my writing style and attention to detail increased. Peers and management are now seeking my advice and feedback on their writing samples.”
-Erica Khan

"My supervisor recommended that I take a writing class for professional development at my semi-annual review. Art Fox's class provided me with many tips and tricks for good writing, as well as a forum in which to put into practice what I had learned. At annual review time, my supervisor noted a marked improvement in my writing. There is nothing more satisfying than to have your improvements noticed and to feel a boost of confidence in your own skill set. This course has made me more marketable in today's increasingly competitive work environment."
-Audra Adomenas

Who Should Attend

This program is designed for professionals in any career field or industry wishing to polish their writing skills. Whether writing a formal presentation, composing press releases or marketing materials, or drafting memos, this class can provide the skills you need.

Many business professionals, even those who can create good writing, often find writing to be difficult, time-consuming, and intimidating, and their writing doesn’t always produce the results they want.

If you would like to have a repeatable recipe for good writing that applies to any content or format, that speeds up composition time, helps you make your writing clearer, more succinct and easier to read, and that gets people to respond to you within the time frame you set, then this course is for you.


Effective business writing can set you apart from other employees, get you noticed by your superiors, and improve your chances of advancement.

You’ll gain these skills:

  • Knowledge of a repeatable plan for writing any business document quickly and efficiently
  • The ability to use the correct structure of effective business writing, including how to define the writing challenge, audience, desired outcome, communication style and format
  • The ability to motivate readers to take action by using the proper message structure, establishing credibility, and clearly and concisely defining benefits to the reader



Week 1

  • Online group discussion
  • Recipe for Success: 4 W’s
    • Who is the target audience
    • What action or response are you asking of the target
    • Why will the target do what you are asking
    • When should the target respond
  • Choosing the right approach
  • Selecting the right vehicle
  • Possible miscommunication
  • Culture

Week 2

  • 7 Steps for Successful Writing
  • Document structure
  • Message structure

Week 3

  • Writing best practices
  • Editing tips
  • Proofreading tips

Week 4

  • Gender-neutral writing
  • Writing in someone else’s voice
  • Email best practices

Week 5

  • Grammar
  • Punctuation
  • Commonly confused and misused terms
  • Resources



Are there course materials?
There are no books for this course, although it is highly recommended that students buy The Business Writer’s Handbook by Alred, Brusaw and Oliu.

Handouts will be distributed on the first day of class. The cost of these materials is included in the course fee. Students will need to supply three business writing samples, pens and paper.

Do I get DePaul credit for this class?
No, but some DePaul CPE courses have been approved for CEU credits. This is a professional education class, with different requirements than courses taken for academic credit.

How big are the classes?
Class size is limited to 15 students.

Will I have to write papers and take exams?
Students should be prepared to spend time writing outside of class, to actively participate in group discussions, to evaluate the work of other students and to have their work evaluated by the instructor and other students.

Does this program qualify for financial assistance through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)?
No. At this time, this program has NOT been approved by the ILLINOIS workNET initiative for workforce training grants. Please contact Workforce Development for more information.

What are the requirements for the Integrated Marketing Communications Certificate?
To receive the IMC certificate, students must successfully complete three required courses and two elective courses plus one seminar. Follow the link to learn more about the IMC Certificate and review the list of courses.

What is the difference between a certificate and a certification?
A certificate is earned after completion of a course or a series of courses. Certificates are usually awarded by a training provider or an educational institution. Certification typically includes an experience, an educational component and requires passing an exam. Certifications are awarded by governmental and/or professional agencies and often require recertification to remain certified.