Effective Presentation And Communication Skills Certificate Program

The ability to communicate effectively and present ideas clearly is perhaps the most important skill you need to have in order to be successful in any career. Good communication skills are key in many situations - whether you are making a presentation to potential clients, giving speeches at company events or having an individual meeting with your supervisor.

The Effective Presentation and Communication Skills Certificate Program is designed to help you become a better, more effective presenter. Taught by Charles Drehmer, PhD, the program will help you learn how to make clear, concise presentations to audiences from one to 1,000. As one of the most outstanding presentation coaches available, Dr. Drehmer will teach you how to manage speech anxiety, speak up in difficult situations, work effectively in teams, advance relationships and build message packaging and delivery skills.

Effective Presentation and Communication Skills also counts as an elective towards completing the Integrated Marketing Communications Certificate Program.

Programs Associated with this Course

  • Certificate in Effective Presentation & Communication Skills
  • Certificate in Integrated Marketing Communications

Who Should Attend

This program is ideal for those who want to improve their ability to communicate, professionally and persuasively.



  • Learn workplace-tested techniques for managing speech anxiety, speaking up in difficult situations, working effectively in teams, advancing relationships, packaging your message and enhancing your delivery style
  • Participate in fun, practical demonstrations and skill-building exercises
  • Understand the power and limitations of oral and written communication




  • The power and limitations of oral and written communication
  • Message packaging
  • Anxiety management
  • Powerful types of messages
  • How to plan and deliver powerful, memorable messages that make people take action



Are there course materials?
There are no books for this course. Handouts will be distributed on the first day of class. The cost of these materials is included in the course fee.

Do I get DePaul credit for these classes?
No, but some DePaul CPE courses have been approved for CEU credits. This is a professional education class, with different requirements than courses taken for academic credit.

How big is the class?
Class size is limited to 12 students.

Will I have to write papers and take exams?
While the assignments differ for each instructor and course, you will be assigned non-graded homework, and you will receive feedback on each of your assignments. Some courses also include in-class presentations.

Does this program qualify for financial assistance through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)?
No. At this time, this program has NOT been approved by the ILLINOIS workNET initiative for workforce training grants. Please contact Workforce Development for more information.

What are the requirements for the Integrated Marketing Communications Certificate?
To receive the IMC certificate, students must successfully complete three required courses and two elective courses plus one seminar. Follow the link to learn more about the IMC Certificate and review the list of courses.

What is the difference between a certificate and a certification?
A certificate is earned after completion of a course or a series of courses. Certificates are usually awarded by a training provider or an educational institution. Certification typically includes an experience, an educational component and requires passing an exam. Certifications are awarded by governmental and/or professional agencies and often require recertification to remain certified.