Master of Science Product Innovation & Computing

The master's in Product Innovation and Computing is offered by the Jarvis College of Computing and Digital Media with some course work taken from the Kellstadt Graduate School of Business (KGSB). This STEM degree incorporates the innovation and entrepreneurship processes with computer science, and allows students in the program to recognize broader issues in technology-related problems and understand the business constraints affecting this technology.

We are no longer accepting applications for this degree program. Interested students are encouraged to apply to the MS Computer Science or the MS Software Engineering degree programs.

Degree Requirements

Chicago/Real World Experience

You’ll be equipped to start your own business, build mobile apps, or develop other tech-based products. With 35 Fortune 500 companies and 1871—Chicago’s Technology and Entrepreneurship Center—in the Chicago area, you’’ll make the connections you need to advance your career.

93%of reporting School of Computing master’s graduates were employed, continuing education, or not seeking employment within six months of graduation

$75,000median salary reported by School of Computing master’s graduates six months after degree completion

Curriculum Requirements

Introductory Courses

No Introductory Course may be substituted for any other course at any level.

Introductory courses may be waived for any of the following conditions based on faculty review:

  • The student has the appropriate course work to satisfy an Introductory Course based on an official transcript review by faculty and successful grades, typically B or better.
  • The student has appropriate and verified professional experience to satisfy an Introductory Course which is demonstrated through successful completion of a GAE exam.
  • If a Graduate Assessment Examination (GAE) is available for the Introductory Courses, upon successfully completion of a GAE, a waiver will be issued.

Foundation Courses

  •  CSC 435 Distributed Systems I
  •  CSC 447 Concepts of Programming Languages
  •  MGT 500 Leading Effective and Ethical Organizations
  •  GSB 525 Business Innovation and Design (Formerly Mgt 573)
    or  MGT 590 Management of Innovation and Technological Change
  •  MGT 598 Project Management

Computing Elective Courses

Students must choose four (4) Computing Elective courses from the following courses:

  •  CSC 436 Web Applications
  •  CSC 438 Framework for Web Application Development
    or  SE 452 Object-Oriented Enterprise Computing
  •  CSC 471 Mobile Application Development for iOS
  •  CSC 491 Mobile Application Development for iOS II
  •  CSC 472 Mobile Application Development for Android
  •  CSC 492 Mobile Application Development for Android II
  •  SE 441 Continuous Delivery and Devops
  • Students may choose 4 credit hours from graduate course(s) beyond the Introductory level from the following subjects as one of the four Computing Electives: GPH, CSC, CSEC, DSC, ECT, GAM, HIT, HCI, IS, IT, PM, SE, or NET.

Management Elective Courses

Students must choose 12 credit hours from Management Elective courses from the following courses:

  •  MGT 535 Change Management and Consulting
  •  MGT 563 Negotiation Skills
  •  MGT 569 Legal Aspects of Entrepreneurship
  •  MGT 570 Entrepreneurship and New Venture Management
  •  GSB 525 Business Innovation and Design (Formerly Mgt 573) (if not taken as the Foundation Course requirement)
  •  MGT 590 Management of Innovation and Technological Change (if not taken above)
  •  MGT 595 Social Enterprise
  •  MGT 793 Management Internship
  •  MGT 589 Executive Coaching: Leadership in A Volatile, Uncertain, Chaotic and Ambiguous Business Environment
  •  MGT 798 Special Topics*
  •  MKT 555 Marketing Management
  •  MKT 576 Effective Business Communication

* Students must take only sections of MGT 798 where the topic is related to Entrepreneurship or Innovation.


  •  IS 580 Technology Entrepreneurship


Degree Requirements

Students in this degree program must meet the following requirements:

  • Complete a minimum of 52 graduate credit hours in addition to any required introductory courses of the designated degree program.
  • Complete all graduate courses and requirements listed in the designated degree program.
  • Earn a grade of B- or better in each introductory course of the designated degree program.
  • Earn a grade of C- or better in all courses beyond the introductory courses of the designated degree program.
  • Maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher.
  • Students pursuing a second (or more) graduate degree may not double count or retake any course that applied toward the completion of a prior graduate degree. If a required course in the second degree was already completed and applied toward a previous degree, the student must meet with a faculty advisor to discuss a new course to be completed and substituted in the new degree. This rule also applies to cross-listed courses, which are considered to be the same course but offered under different subjects.
  • Students pursuing a second master's degree must complete a minimum of 52 graduate credit hours beyond their first designated degree program in addition to any required introductory courses in their second designated degree program.

Students with a GPA of 3.9 or higher will graduate with distinction.

For DePaul's policy on repeat graduate courses and a complete list of academic policies see the DePaul Graduate Handbook in the Course Catalog.