Music Education (MM)

The graduate music education program offers certified/licensed music teachers the opportunity to earn a master's degree in a little over two years with courses in the evenings and summers. Educational theory and practice merge throughout course work, and students have the flexibility to select elective areas of study. The program culminates with a final paper or project, allowing students to research an area of special interest.

Candidates are required to hold an undergraduate music education degree and teacher licensure, as well as at least one year of teaching experience. Requirements for application are here.

Application Process: Master's Students

?As a prospective graduate student, you must complete the following steps to apply to the DePaul School of Music.

Apply to DePaul by January 5. 

A complete master's student application to the DePaul School of Music includes:

- Official undergraduate transcripts (Please note a transcript is only considered official if it is sent from the institution directly, and not sent through the applicant.?) - due February 1

 - Three letters of recommendation - due February 1

- In person or video recorded entrance audition (for Performance and Jazz Studies students) - due February 1

- Composition portfolio (for Jazz Studies Composition and Composition students) - due February 1

- Teaching philosophy statement and live interview (for Music Education Students) - due February 1


DePaul School of Music does not require the GRE or any other standardized test for graduate admission.  Email materials to, or mail materials to:


DePaul University School of Music
Music Admission Office
804 West Belden Avenue
Chicago, IL 60614

Your online application is due by December 1?. International students have additional requirements; please click here for details.

Performance and Jazz Studies (MM)

Apply by the extended deadline of January 5:

Music Requirements

  • Pre-screening video (required for applicants on clarinet, classical voice, violin and all jazz instruments). Please visit the specific instrument page for the repertoire requirements. Pre-screen recordings can begin to be uploaded 24 hours after the application has been submitted (upon receiving application portal login credentials). Must be received by the extended deadline of January 5.
  • ?Audition. We encourage all applicants, if at all possible, to audition in-person. Below are the details for each format. 

    a. Live audition dates are scheduled during the weekends in February.  Live auditions can be scheduled here. Please visit the specific instrument page for the repertoire.

    b. Recorded auditions are available by request and must be uploaded to your Application Portal? no later than February 1. Recorded auditions must be accompanied by a short interview video submission. Please visit the specific instrument page for the repertoire and interview requirements. To enable the recorded audition submission, you may submit a request form for an exemption to upload a recorded audition. 

Materials (due February 1)

  • Official graduate and undergraduate transcripts.
  • Three letters of recommendation 

Official transcripts should be mailed to:?

DePaul University School of Music
Music Admissions Office
804 West Belden Avenue
Chicago, IL 60614

Electronic transcripts or test scores should be emailed to:

?International students have additional requirements; please click here for details.

Audition results are reviewed and all decisions about acceptance are made in late March. Students are informed of the results by April 1.


Response to an acceptance is required no later than April 15.