Experience Design

The master's in Experience Design is an interdisciplinary program that prepares future experience designers by providing a foundation in design methods, research, and collaboration. Students learn to apply theoretical frameworks and research methods to understand systems, define problems, and communicate potential solutions and their impact. By working on collaborative projects with local communities, students learn to create design-based artifacts tied to human-centered problems in a chosen disciplinary area (e.g., web/mobile design, game design, learning design).

We are no longer accepting applications for this degree. Interested students are encouraged to apply to MA Digital Communication and Media ArtsMS Human-Computer Interaction or the MFA Game Design degree programs.

Degree Requirements

Careers In Experience Design

Graduates will be prepared for the many varied career options available to those skilled in experience design. Jobs in these careers include experience designers, design strategists, product designers, visual designers, game designers, educational technology designers, and exhibit designers. Students may pursue jobs across varied industries as businesses and organizations look toward design for competitive advantage and innovation.

Students in the Program Learn

  • Methods for designing human-centered experiences
  • Cross-disciplinary collaboration
  • Techniques for creating media artifacts across genres
  • Skills for engaging with local communities
  • Approaches for designing interactions that bridge online and face-to-face activities

Curriculum Requirements

No Introductory Course may be substituted for any other course at any level.

Foundation Courses

  •  HCD 421 Design and Human Experience
  •  HCD 450 Theories and Methods in Human-Centered Design
  •  MCS 502 Media and Cultural Studies

Core Courses

Choose 2 courses from the following:

  •  EXP 440 Designing Playful Experiences
  •  EXP 441 Designing Learning Experiences
  •  EXP 442 Designing Interfaces for Emerging Technologies

Design and Production Courses

Choose 3 courses from the following:

Topic Area Electives

Choose 8 credit hours from the following:

  •  HCI 553 Social Interaction Design
  •  GAM 597 Topics in Game Design
  •  HCI 520 Learner-Centered Design
  •  MCS 501 Film and Media Theory
  •  MCS 520 Topics in Media Studies
  •  MCS 530 New Media and Culture
  •  JOUR 538 Mass Communication in the Digital Age
  •  CMNS 501 Communication in Cultural Contexts
  •  CMNS 545 Communication and Technology
  •  CMNS 552 Relationships and Influence in the Workplace
  •  CMNS 570 Introduction to Digital Cmn
  •  NMS 508 Design Rhetorics
  •  NMS 510 Writing Digital Content
  •  WRD 511 Topics in Community, Culture and Identity

Collaboration Practicum

Students must take the collaboration studio class 3 times. These classes provide the opportunity for students to work in teams and to take on real-world challenges linked to community-based organizations and groups.

Optional Portfolio Workshop

Students have the option of taking a Portfolio Workshop course focused on developing their professional identity, creating a portfolio, and preparing for their next career steps. This workshop course is optional and does not count toward the MA in Experience Design degree requirements.


Degree Requirements

Students in this degree program must meet the following requirements:

  • Complete a minimum of 52 graduate credit hours in the designated program.
  • Complete all graduate courses and requirements listed in the designated degree program.
  • Earn a grade of C- or better in all graduate courses of the designated degree program.
  • Maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher.
  • Students pursuing a second (or more) graduate degree may not double count or retake any course that applied toward the completion of a prior graduate degree. If a required course in the second degree was already completed and applied toward a previous degree, the student must meet with a faculty advisor to discuss a new course to be completed and substituted in the new degree. This rule also applies to cross-listed courses, which are considered to be the same course but offered under different subjects.
  • Students pursuing a second master's degree must complete a minimum of 52 graduate credit hours beyond their first designated degree program in addition to any required introductory courses in their second designated degree program.

Students with a GPA of 3.9 or higher will graduate with distinction.

For DePaul's policy on repeat graduate courses and a complete list of academic policies see the DePaul Graduate Handbook in the Course Catalog.