
Develop a broad foundation in music

The B.A. in Music program incorporates the study of music into wide-ranging liberal studies coursework. As a Music major, your music, liberal arts and social sciences classes will prepare you for a variety of music-related careers.

Music majors take a broad range of liberal studies courses combined with a year of modern language, in addition to music courses?. You’ll also take advanced courses in music, develop research skills and complete a final project or paper.

Living in Chicago, you’ll be able to hear live, professional contemporary music performances, such as the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and the Lyric Opera of Chicago. You’ll also be able to attend concerts of every genre, including popular music festivals like Lollapalooza and Pitchfork.



  • Aural Training
  • Group Piano
  • Large or Small Ensembles
  • Music History
  • Music Theory
  • Musicianship
  • Musicology


Career Options

Common Career Areas

  • Accompanist
  • Arts administrator/management
  • Conductor
  • Music education
  • Music editing
  • Music production
  • Recording

Program Checkpoints

Students are admitted to a specialization at their enrollment. Students are then allowed to continue in specialization courses on the basis of program checkpoints. The program checkpoints differ for each specialization, and students should contact the department chairs or program directors/coordinators for more information. Students are not permitted to continue to enroll in specialization classes if they have not met the requirements of their program checkpoints. 

Course Requirements

Course Title Quarter Hours
Specialization Courses  
One 4-credit Music Theory course chosen from MUS or COM 300-level or above 4

MUS 308


COM 305

One 4-credit 300-level (or above) musicianship course beyond the music core courses (Music History, Musicology, Ethnomusicology) 4
One 4-credit Experiential Learning Requirement Course 4
Ensembles 9

6 credits of Large Ensemble (in the 1st and 2nd years of the program)


3 credits of any ensemble (in the 3rd or 4th year of the program)

Electives 29

13 credits of Music Electives


12 credits of non-music electives


4 credits of free electives

Supporting Fields 12

Select a Modern Language one year long sequence or its equivalent