Throughout the course, you develop an understanding of both the theory and practice of teaching Geography (as your ‘major’ subject) and History (as your ‘minor’ subject) using a range of learning and teaching approaches. Training as part of a PGCE Humanities cohort, who train to teach two of the three Humanities subjects (Geography, History and RE), you are supported in developing practical classroom skills in teaching your major and minor subject and in the teacher’s wider professional role.
Our programme prepares you to teach across the age range 11-16 and is structured around a combination of taught modules based at the University and placement modules based in schools or educational settings. Classroom practice is assessed through placements, totalling 120 days. You also have the opportunity to gain Masters level credits (up to 60 credits).
The teaching team includes University staff with specialisms in Geography and History a
nd in Initial Teacher Education; local authority advisers and staff; diocesan advisers; and secondary school teacher tutors. Students are supported through a combination of face-to-face university-based teaching and directed self-study/ research. Seminars and workshops are supported by school-based tasks to enable theory and practice to be integrated.