Master of Science in Cybersecurity (MSCS)

Master of Science in Cybersecurity (MSCS)

What you learn:

  • Security Fundamentals

  • Network Design & Management

  • Risk Management

  • Security Policies And Standards

  • Cyber Laws & Ethical Hacking cyber laws

  • Forensic And Network Intrusion

  • Disaster Recovery

Course Distribution Credit Hours
Technical  54 
Electives / Non-Technical*  N/A 
Total  54 


The school is not required to have Electives / Non-Technical courses, however, if the degree requires only technical courses, the degree must have at a minimum 30 semester / 45 quarter credit hours of technical courses.

MSCS Program Core Courses

Course ID Course Title Hrs/Credit
IT 503  Operating System  4.5 Credit Hours 
IT 507  Database System Design & Management  4.5 Credit Hours 
ITSM 603  Network and Information Security  4.5 Credit Hours 
CS 501  Introduction to Cybersecurity  4.5 Credit Hours 
CS 521  Forensic & Network Intrusion  4.5 Credit Hours 
CS 516  Security Policy & Standards  4.5 Credit Hours 
CS 532  Secure Cloud Architecture  4.5 Credit Hours 
CS 536  Information Security & Risk Management  4.5 Credit Hours 
CS 538  Secure Software Development  4.5 Credit Hours 
CS 540  Security Assessment & Testing  4.5 Credit Hours 
CS 544  Cyberlaws & Ethical Hacking  4.5 Credit Hours 
CS 681  Cybersecurity Capstone  4.5 Credit Hours