New Zealand Certificate in Te Reo (Rumaki Reo Rua) (Level 1)

Start your journey in te reo. Gain basic language skills to communicate in te reo Mori in familiar everyday situations. Ideal for beginners or if you want skills and knowledge to support your role in the public or private sector. You can progress to higher-level programmes to explore te reo further.


Programme outline

This programme is designed to provide a solid foundation for learners who have little to no te reo Mori knowledge. 


This is a 60 credit programme. Classes are held one night per week from 5pm-7pm, Monday through to Thursday (subject to change).


Mana Tangata Tahi

Acknowledges the potential of each learner along with their inherent ability to learn past and present applications of te reo and tikanga for future prosperity.


Mana Whenua Tahi

Recognises the importance of tribal affiliation, identity, tribal resources, tribal environs, stories, sayings, and dialectual variations as essential to future sustainability.


Mana Reo Tahi

This mtpono acknowledges learner potential and perseverance to acquire, grow, develop, and use multiple reo and tikanga literacies accurately and competently.


Mana Ao Troa Tahi

Mana Ao Troa supports the acquisition of knowledge and skills leading to proficiency, excellence, attainment, and future accomplishments.