Master of Health Sciences (Nursing Education)
The Master of Health Sciences (Nursing Education) [formerly Nursing/Midwifery Education (Masters)] aims to provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills to become effective teachers/facilitators of student/client learning in both higher education and clinical settings. Theoretical and philosophical underpinnings of nursing practice; research methodology; practice development and conduct of research form the framework for reflection on practice and exploration of aspects of practice. Specialist modules address teaching methods, facilitating learning, assessment strategies and curriculum development.
The programme is part-time over two years and is delivered in a blended learning format. Blended learning is an innovative teaching strategy which involves a combination of face-to-face and on-line learning. This means that learning/teaching is delivered on-line through Blackboard, an interactive learning system which connects directly to the University from your home computer. Face-to-face learning/teaching takes the form of two or three workshops (depending on the module) each semester. Students will therefore attend for two or three days a semester, plus and Orientation Day prior to the commencement of the first year.