LLM (International Criminal Law)

The LLM in International Criminal Law provides students with an advanced understanding of the history, structures, law and practice of the various international criminal tribunals and the International Criminal Court.

Students will gain an in-depth knowledge of international criminal law, its component crimes, substantive law and key procedures.  Students will also develop an analytical approach to the relationship between other accountability mechanisms, such as truth commissions.

The LLM in International Criminal Law is of interest to those seeking to learn about the growing field of international criminal justice, the role of the International Criminal Court in international affairs and means for holding to account perpetrators of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes.


Course highlights:

  • The Irish Centre for Human Rights is one the world’s premier university-based institutions for the study and promotion of human rights.  
  • Expert Lecturers deliver programme modules. Our academics are internationally recognised scholars with world-class expertise and impact in the field of international criminal law. Distinguished visitors to the Centre for Human Rights have included Judge Carmel Agius, Senator Robert Badinter, Judge Maureen Harding Clark, Richard Goldstone, President Philippe Kirsch, Judge Theodor Meron, Judge Navanethem Pillay and Judge Kimberly Prost.
  • Field trip to the International Criminal Court in The Hague.  
  • A summer school on the International Criminal Court is run annually and students have the opportunity to attend.
  • Seminars and workshops are run in collaboration with leading international practitioners in criminal law and human rights.
  • Career Support is provided through professional workshops concentrating on internship opportunities, students CV and interview skills.  Careers in Law Week also provides an opportunity to meet with law professionals across a spectrum of specialisations. 
  • Assessment methods include essays, presentations and a research dissertation, while students also engage in research projects, presentations, group work and moot courts.‌