(MSc) Exercise Physiology and its Application in Therapy

In this course, students will develop an advanced knowledge of exercise physiology including a full understanding of physiological processes and changes that occur during different types of exercise. Students will understand how these changes are beneficial to general health and fitness. Students will have a clear understanding of exercise testing and prescription in health and in certain chronic disease settings. Topics featured in the lecture series include nerve-muscle physiology, cardiorespiratory physiology, kinesiology, integrated physiological responses to exercise and methods of evaluation, metabolism and nutrition in exercise, scientific principles of exercise prescription, methods of physiological assessment during exercise in healthy and clinical populations. Students will gain hands on experience in conducting exercise tests and physiological assessment of fitness. Semester 1–2 will be taught through lectures. Blended learning: All modules (1–6) will also be available online via podcasts and will be delivered via the medium of blackboard collaborate ultra virtual classrooms. (This will ensure that international students need to travel to University of Galway only for four months Mid May-August. They can then be accommodated in the empty student houses in the Corrib Village at a reduced cost.) Online students will engage with pre-recorded lectures on blackboard weekly. To support engagement, discussion and interraction, these lectures will be followed by a online meeting with the course director via ultracollaborate. 


All students will engage with continuous assessments. Students will be assessed during each semester by continuous assessments and end of semester exams. In module 7 in semester 2, students will attend a three week long hands-on training workshop to gain practical experience in exercise testing and physiological methods of evaluating performance and exercise prescription and application of their knowledge. Students will also attend a two-day workshop on professionalism and learn about the roles and responsibilities of an exercise specialist.


On successful completion of Semester 1—2 students will be eligible for a Postgraduate Diploma (as an exit route).


Accreditation opportunities

Students will also be eligible for accreditation and registration offered by REPs Ireland and American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM).

In Semester 3, students will complete a research project on a related topic under the supervision of a member of faculty. At the beginning of Semester 3, students will attend a research methods workshop in which they will learn the basic principles of conducting scientific research, data collection, data management and analysis and presentation of scientific data. Students will be made aware of bioethical issues involved in research. At the end of the workshop, the students will prepare and present a plan for their proposed research project. Ethical approval will be obtained in advance from the College of Medicine Research Ethics Committee for each project offered. The students will have 8 weeks to complete their project. During this time they will interact closely with their supervisor. They will also be in contact with the course director for help and guidance whenever necessary. The students will submit a dissertation or thesis report of their project, which will be presented to staff followed by an interview. Student will receive a Masters degree on successful completion of all three semesters and successful defense of their project dissertation.