Bachelor of Science (Earth and Ocean Sciences)
Earth and Ocean Sciences (EOS) is a unique degree programme in Ireland. It investigates the Earth from the inside out (ranging from the depths of the planet's core to the highest reaches of the atmosphere, at the very edge of space) and aims to enhance understanding of Earth's surface and ocean environments. Myriad complex physical and chemical processes have changed and sculpted the Earth over its 4.6 billion year history. The conditions these processes created permitted the evolution of life in Earth’s very distant past, an apparently unique feature of this planet within the Solar System. A second unique feature of the Earth is the presence of liquid water at its surface – these fundamentally important marine and freshwater environments are also explored in detail on the EOS degree.
Climate change and the search for sustainable resources and energy are critically important concerns at present – Earth and Ocean scientists (geoscientists) are uniquely positioned to address these significant challenges for humanity. The energy, water and raw materials (including metals and minerals) that society depends on are underpinned by the geosciences, so to manage these resources sustainably we need to understand their place within the broader Earth system. The EOS degree programme provides this essential training: it exposes graduates to a global career market, develops scientists who can investigate issues of global concern, and it also strongly aligns with UN Sustainable Development Goals.
EOS graduates are among the 25,000 people currently employed in geosciences in Ireland. They are working as science communicators and as tour guides, scientific officers, technologists, research scientists, map makers, teachers, lecturers and consultants. Some work for government agencies (Environmental Protection Agency, Geological Survey Ireland, Geological Survey Northern Ireland, Office of Public Works, and the Marine Institute), and some work in environmental and engineering consultancies here and around the world working on renewable (geothermal, wind, wave) energy projects, dealing with flood management and water management, assessing environmental impacts of various projects, finding and managing economic resources.