STCW Personal Survival Techniques Refresher

We offer a suite of refresher courses for holders of STCW Basic Training Certificates of Proficiency. This includes STCW Personal Survival Techniques and the STCW Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting refresher courses.


Once qualified in STCW Basic Safety training, seafarers are required to provide evidence every five years that they have maintained the required standard of competence in STCW Personal Survival Techniques and STCW Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting. Evidence that can be accepted includes onboard training and experience that has been properly recorded and certified.


While records of onboard training and experience meet part of the evidence requirement, it is recognized that there are a number of competencies that require additional specialist training ashore. We have developed refresher courses that are MNZ approved to meet the STCW refresher requirements.


Our STCW refresher courses are bundled together for your convenience. So if you need this STCW Personal Survival Techniques refresher and the STCW Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting refresher, you will find that they are conveniently timetabled one after the other.