MA Journalism and Media Communications with Advanced Research

Why choose Herts?

  • Employment prospects:?Graduates have gone onto work in a variety of?media?roles?such?as Press, Social?Media?Analysts,?and Journalists for organisations including?BBC,?Mail Online,?Subway and?Euromonitor.
  • Teaching excellence: Learn from our industry-experts, award-winning lecturers who are experienced in web, print, design, journalism, and PR (see key staff section).
  • Research: Benefit from advanced research study led by our expert research-active teaching staff.


About the course

This programme provides students with a professional critical insight into the media industry. Students will study a range of modules taught by research-active experts. Modules are assessed through a variety of both traditional, such as essays, presentations, and critical reviews alongside non-traditional such as podcasts, pitching and case study simulations which aim to assess and develop transferable skills and subject knowledge.  


This Advanced Research award prepares students for conducting and communicating independent research whilst providing students with the opportunity to further hone and advance personal research, analysis, and communication skills. The degree is aimed at applicants aspiring careers in research and communications whether you embark in digital marketing analytics, journalism or research within academia. 


Why choose this course?

  • To gain a broad range of communication and digital media skills, as well as valuable networking skills and contacts. 
  • Benefit from our prestigious partnership with the?Public Relations and Communications Association?(PRCA).
  • You’ll have supportive industry speakers and expert lecturers widely experienced in the world of PR and communications.
  • Gain insights into emerging trends in the fast-changing digital media world.  
  • You want your skills to be valued by a wide range of media and related industries. 
  • Opportunity to develop advanced research skills in preparation for PhD or career involving research. 
  • You’ll develop your practical and experiential skills through working on a media project with clients such as charities, non-profit organisations and even the University.