Studying sociology at LSBU means learning to see the world though a different lens.?You will be guided?to?dig deep into contemporary social questions?by expert, experienced and enthusiastic academics doing cutting-edge research.?You will join an academic community committed to social justice and?dedicated to helping students fulfil their potential.


Sociology at LSBU provides you with the opportunity to grapple with many current issues such as?globalisation, gender, religion, sexuality, identity formation, nationalism and more. We ask big questions, too. At a time when mobile phones connect everyone, why do people feel further apart from each other? In a world with more diversity, why are conservative attitudes are on the rise?


Here at LSBU we help you focus on your future?through our core?work-experience module?in Year 2. We develop your abilities as investigators of?society?and we develop your skills and confidence in key areas to help you turn your degree into an excellent career.


By the end of your time at LSBU you will have a balance of theory, practice and experience that will deepen your understanding of yourself and the world,?and,?what is more, give you the tools to be an active agent?for change?in that world.


By studying Sociology at LSBU you will also have the option to specialise with:

  • Criminology
  • Black Studies
  • Social Policy
  • Sustainability.