This is a one-year part-time course leading to a Pg Cert award in Healthcare Chaplaincy and Wellbeing. Upon successful completion, students can top-up to study at Pg Diploma level and then to Masters to increase their learning and promote their professional recognition and widen their employment opportunities.
The course provides students with the knowledge and skills to critically appraise contemporary approaches to healthcare chaplaincy provision addressing the wide context and diverse multicultural needs of communities. It also provides individuals with a deep critical understanding of the importance of equality and diversity and effective patient-chaplain interactions in a multi-faith/belief context. As part of this course, individuals will evaluate the theology and models of healthcare chaplaincy and critically explore the connection between spirituality, health, wellbeing and pastoral care. This course has strong links to contemporary practice to explore best practice in unpredictable spiritual care situations addressing the range of faith and belief needs across patients and staff. This course enables chaplains to demonstrate an enhanced level of competence and skills in spiritual care provision linked to UKBHC standards.
The course is an integration of theory and practice, providing cutting-edge chaplaincy education reflecting the changing and diverse multi- cultural and multi-faith and belief needs of the NHS, the patients, families, carers and staff. It links academic studies up to practice placements and is aligned to meet the professional competences, as measured by the UK Board of Healthcare Chaplaincy.
This course is unique because it is provided by an NHS Trust Chaplaincy Dept - Guy’s and St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust (GSTT) Chaplaincy & Spiritual Health Care Dept, which is one of the largest culturally-diverse multi-faith/belief Chaplaincy team in the UK. The teaching faculty is made of experienced and accomplished educationists and seasoned practitioners in the industry who are at the forefront of delivering contemporary Healthcare Chaplaincy education.