Earth Sciences

  • Note that from 2023, Science streams will be replaced with a range of Science specialisations, which offers you even more flexibility. View the list of specialisations here.

    Earth scientists are essential to meeting society’s future challenges around climate and environmental change, the sustainable extraction of critical resources such as water, and minerals for new and emerging technologies.

    Across a range of industries, Earth scientists use sophisticated instruments to determine the properties of Earth and planetary materials, and to help understand the evolution of the Earth and the controls and direction of its climate and biosphere.

    In this course you will gain advanced knowledge in Earth sciences and learn how to apply that knowledge to scientific, social and ethical issues. You’ll also use digital technologies and learn to gather and interpret data that are relevant to Earth sciences applications and careers.

    How this course will make you industry ready

    During your course you’ll use to use digital technologies and relevant industry methods of data acquisition and interpretation.

    What jobs can the Earth Sciences lead to?


  • Earth scientist
  • Environmental geoscientist
  • Industries

  • Resources
  • Environmental agencies
  • Research
  • Geological surveys.
  • Geochemist
  • Geologist
  • Geotechnician
  • Hydrogeologist.