Graduate Certificate in Health Science

The Graduate Certificate in Health Science provides current health professionals or those wishing to move into this sector a short albeit comprehensive exposure to contemporary issues in health care. It explores the socioeconomic and epidemiological determinants of health and disease, providing a sound knowledge of the use of healthcare data for decision-making. It provides an entry point to the Diploma in Health Science for those who wish to continue on their professional development journey with further studies.

The core subjects of Public Health, Policy and Society will enable you to develop a systemic understanding of various public health policy frameworks and issues, provide the context and history for understanding public health approaches, and let you explore the cultural and social dimensions of health and illness and the economic and political environment in which health policies and strategies are developed and implemented.

The Epidemiology subject will study of the distribution and determinants of disease and other health-related conditions in populations, and the application of this study to the control of health problems.

You will additionally complete two electives of your choice from a wide variety of disciplines including Health Services and Facilities Planning, Leadership for Quality and Safety in Health Care and Health Workforce Planning.