Acquire high-level knowledge and develop practical skills relevant to modern molecular biology research or industry practice.

With UQ's six-month Graduate Certificate in Molecular Biology program, you can build practical skills as you experience laboratory techniques such as electrophoresis, polymerase chain reaction, endonuclease mapping, fluorescent reporters and expression vectors.

You'll develop an advanced knowledge of the structure and function of genes and the proteins they encode. Your study will cover genome sequencing, recombinant DNA technology and macromolecular structure determination. Through laboratory practicals, workshops, projects and directed study, you'll receive training in bioinformatics, molecular genetics, biomolecular structure and function, and immunology.

You'll graduate with the high-level knowledge and skills to achieve your goals in modern molecular biology research or industry practice.

How you'll learn

Your learning experiences are designed to best suit the learning outcomes of the courses you choose.

  • Lectures
  • Tutorials
  • Laboratory work
  • Workshops

What you'll study

At UQ, degrees are called 'programs' and subjects are called 'courses'. Here's a sample of the courses you could study in this program:

  • Immunology and Infectious Diseases
  • Concepts in Bioinformatics
  • Directed Studies in Molecular Genetics
  • Directed Studies in Biomolecular Structure and Function