Master of Statistics

Strengthen your knowledge of statistical science and develop your consulting and project writing skills. The UNSW Master of Statistics covers a wide range of statistical theory and practice and provides advanced training in the principles of mathematics and statistical analysis. 

This program is also suitable for students who are currently or aspiring to become practicing statisticians, with the opportunity to learn in-depth applications of statistics in areas such as finance, engineering or medical and biological science. The program also provides?the necessary preparation for further research in statistics.? 

Key features

  • Research project
    You’ll complete a compulsory supervised research project, which gives you an opportunity to make practical use of the knowledge you gain through your master’s program. This project will prepare you for the problem-solving and report-writing aspects of future employment, or for progression to a research degree.
  • Wide range of career opportunities
    The Master of Statistics?opens up a variety of career opportunities in areas as diverse as:

• banking?

• insurance and investment?

• environmental modelling?

• oceanography?

• meteorology?

• computing?

• information technology??

• government?

• education?

• research.

  • Transferable skills
    Studying mathematics improves your logical thinking, problem-solving and analytical skills. Solving mathematical and statistical problems also requires creativity and adaptability. These skills are highly valued by employers.