Master of Engineering Practice (Electrical & Electronic Engineering)


  • If you have:
    • Successfully graduated with an Australian 3-year undergraduate engineering program degree in electrical engineering,
    • Successfully graduated with an equivalent recognised international degree to an Australian Bachelor or Technology (Electrical or Power Engineering) or Bachelor of Engineering science (Electrical Engineering),
    • 5 or more years of appropriate relevant industry Australian experience from graduation to this cognate or related cognate majors,
    • Attained Engineers Australia TMIEAust Stage 1 Technologist accreditation:

    Then UniSQ's Master of Engineering Practice (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) will give you the necessary qualification to be eligible for Professional Engineer registration (MIEAust) with Engineers Australia.

  • This program allows you to use the knowledge and skills you have already gained in the workplace to complete your first-year core units. Through self-assessment and workplace portfolios you will demonstrate how you may already meet Engineers Australia’s competencies and identify the technical courses you will need to complete in order to graduate. 
  • Available to study through distance education, the Master of Engineering Practice enables you to travel or work while studying and allows you to adapt your study to your life.
  • You will build upon your prior knowledge in Electrical and Electronic Engineering with advanced studies in areas including: engineering design, systems analysis and integration for application within a multi-disciplinary engineering industry environments.
  • Your capstone Master’s degree industry project is an opportunity to demonstrate advanced electrical and electronic engineering enterprise based innovation in your workplace or industry, and provides opportunity to fast-track career promotion on graduation.

Further study

Graduates from the Master of Engineering Practice are eligible to be considered for higher research degrees such as the Master of Research or PhD studies.