Doctor of Philosophy

This Doctor of Philosophy program sees candidates working with a Principal Supervisor, appointed by the Research Higher Degrees Sub Committee, with the approval of the School.

This Doctor of Philosophy program sees candidates working with a Principal Supervisor, appointed by the Research Higher Degrees Sub Committee, with the approval of the School.

A minimum of three years and a maximum of four years (full-time equivalent), this degree is awarded on the basis of an externally examined thesis of approximately 100,000 words.

Academic Entry Requirements

To be eligible for admission as a Candidate for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy a person must:

  • have graduated with or qualified for a Masters degree that included a dissertation demonstrating the ability to undertake research at PhD level; or
  • have graduated with or qualified for a four year Honours Bachelor degree, or Degree with Honours at first class or second class, upper division, honours, that included a dissertation demonstrating the ability to undertake research at PhD level; or
  • have been enrolled for a Masters degree by research and have completed research which is assessed by the academic Board as demonstrating the capacity to undertake research at PhD level; or
  • hold qualifications and/or have demonstrated skills, experience, research, or publications which are assessed by the Academic Board as being at least equivalent to or as a satisfactory substitute for any of the qualifications prescribed above.