Bachelor of Information Technology

Advance your IT skills and knowledge - lead change in one of the most progressive industries in the world.

Our newly restructured Information Technology degree gives you the flexibility to complete stand-alone core subjects along with an in-depth specialisation of your choice. You may also enrol in electives from across the university, complementing your IT studies to tailor your own unique study plan.
Throughout the program, you will develop strong communication, academic, programming and problem-solving skills – critical attributes for success in the IT sector. Your acquired skills will help you facilitate smooth communication with software developers in web design, systems modelling and user experience.

Co-operative Education Model
Our Bachelor of Information Technology is one of the flagship programs under our Australia-first Co-Operative Education Model. 
Federation’s Co-Operative Education Model harnesses the power of industry and community to co-develop and co-deliver courses to equip and empower students for today’s fast-moving employment landscape. 
Specifically developed alongside global industry leader IBM®, and with Australian Computer Society (ACS) accreditation, our Bachelor of Information Technology program provides students with real-world, practical learning opportunities and skills. Students will access hands-on placements with industry-leading organisations, industry-based projects in organisations, guest lectures from renowned individuals, and even multi-disciplinary team projects solving industry problems. These Co-operative Learning Model opportunities don’t simply prepare students for their career in IT, but also develop transferable skills that translate to the industry as a whole. Critical thinking, leadership, digital literacy, interpersonal skills and entrepreneurship are all embedded in individual courses tailored to emerging and current industry trends.
Federation will ensure our Bachelor of Information Technology graduates are not only ready to step into their future careers with confidence and experience but are driven individuals with the skills to succeed in their careers and in life.

Professional Engagement Opportunities
Participation in our professional engagement course provides you with the opportunity to network and enhance your knowledge within the IT industry. You will also build awareness of the latest research and developments, and explore the extent to which IT is embedded in areas as diverse as health, education, industry and more.