Graduate Diploma of Engineering Maintenance Management

This program is designed for engineers and other technical people who are involved with asset management of industrial, public sector or defence systems.

Technical staff in full-time employment in the asset management field of industrial, public sector or defence systems can build their skills through successful completion of this postgraduate program, and make a positive contribution to their companies performance. Study in reliability and application of reliability data, condition modelling (CM) techniques, and risk engineering, and complete a Monte Carlo simulation. The program includes leadership and management techniques, the organisation, planning and application of maintenance and maintenance strategies, terotechnological aspects of engineering economics and accountancy and implementation of maintenance planning systems, asset operations optimisation and more.

To find out more, download our maintenance and reliability brochure.

Sample structures are just one example of the many options available within your chosen course. Please contact Federation University for further information on available options.

Please note this is a sample structure only and is not to be used for enrolment purposes. To enrol, please refer to the information provided to you by Federation University for your individual program structure or view our enrolment information page.

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