Surgical First Assistance in Surgical Procedures

This course aims to provide qualified registered Operating Department Practitioners and Nurses, who have a minimum of 6 months scrub experience, with an opportunity to develop the knowledge and skills required to act, or progress into, a Surgical First Assistant (SFA) role.

  • You will develop skills under the direct supervision of a surgeon, and whilst not able to undertake tasks considered to be surgical interventions, can with the appropriate training and knowledge undertake many other tasks such as skin preparation, manipulation of organs and tissue retraction.
  • During your studies you will explore topics relevant to the SFA role including legal aspects, anatomy, physiology, infection control, minimal access surgery, electrosurgery, tissue retraction and haemostasis.
  • You will be taught by a team of academics and key speakers who have a wealth of skills, expertise and professional credibility related to the SFA role.
  • You will be taught in our simulation laboratories to enhance your theoretical knowledge and to practice techniques in a safe environment.


Teaching and assessment

The course is delivered over 12 months through a range of teaching methods including lectures, practical sessions, work-based learning and guided independent study. Assessment will involve a written assignment and completion of a portfolio.


Your module specification/course handbook will provide full details of the assessment criteria applying to your course.


Feedback (usually written) is normally provided on all coursework submissions within three term time weeks – unless the submission was made towards the end of the session in which case feedback would be available on request after the formal publication of results. Feedback on exam performance/final coursework is available on request after the publication of results.